Tutorials ========= Installation ------------ If you have not downloaded mPsy yet, follow this `link `_. The core of mPsy requires only `Python `_ to run. One essential dependency is `pyglet `_, contained in the standard download of mPsy. We also recommend you install Numerical Python (`numpy `_). Even the simplest experiment is likely to require some numerical computations. Some of the stimuli used in the tutorials use numpy. If you are completely new to Python, we recommend you install the free version of `Enthought Python Distribution `_ recently rebranded as `Canopy Express `_. For Mac OS, this distribution is one of the few reliable methods to obtain all scientific packages (including matplotlib) and make them work without further effort. Getting Started --------------- Although the core of mPsy is written in Python, it can be controlled using other languages, locally or remotely. Examples of controlling mPsy remotely are available for the following languages so far: * :doc:`tut_python` * :doc:`tut_matlab` * :doc:`tut_r` Advanced tutorials ------------------ These tutorials illustrate how to extend the core of mPsy: * :doc:`tut_stimuli`