Creating your own stimuli in Python ----------------------------------- Every mPsy stimulus contains at least two elements: function ``draw()`` and field ``params``. The latter is an associative array: a fundamental object type such as `struct` in MATLAB and `named list` in R. A definition of stimulus in mPsy is illustrated just below using stimulus ``Text``, a simple yet functional example of text label: .. code-block:: python from pyglet import text class Text: def __init__(self,**params): self.params = Params(\**params) self.text = text.Label(self.params.msg,anchor_x='center',halign='center') def draw(self): self.text.draw() Each mPsy stimulus [is an independent program], for which several examples appear module ````. The examples in ```` (and the one above) can be used outside of mPsy, which is useful for the developing your own stimuli. The following code shows how to set up a window and call the ``draw()`` function for an mPsy stimulus. .. code-block:: python from pyglet import text class Text: def __init__(self,\**params): print params self.params = Params(\**params) self.text = text.Label(self.params.msg,halign='center',anchor_x='center') def draw(self): self.text.draw() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.path[:0] = [''] from import * from pyglet.window import key from pyglet import clock, clock, font, graphics, window, text class Params: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def update(self,**kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join( '%s = %s'%x for x in self.__dict__.items() ) def __repr__(self): return 'Params(%s)'%(', '.join( '%s=%s'%x for x in self.__dict__.items() ),) def default(self): return self.__dict__ win = window.Window() stim = Text(msg='Welcome to Movable Psychophysics.') def update(dt): win.clear() glPushMatrix() glTranslatef(320,240,0) stim.draw() glPopMatrix() clock.schedule_interval(update,1/60.0)